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“Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or other physical impairment.”

– Definition of the World Health Organisation (WHO) –

Physical health can be achieved through proper nutrition and sufficient exercise.

Social welfare can be achieved through good social contacts and activities that give you energy.

Mental health is achieved by controlling your thoughts and creating focus. Through reiki treatments I’ll help you achieve mental peace so that you can continue the day with full energy.


55-minute session

€ 60

A full-body reiki treatment. Relaxation is guaranteed!

30-minute session

€ 35

A shortened reiki treatment for those who have less time to spend; with a focus on specific complaints.


10-session subscription 

€ 265

Valid for six months; for ten 30-minute sessions.

The Happiness Project

€ 500

The ultimate 28-day-program for those who seek mental peace and want to make meditation a habit.

During this program you will be guided daily with assignments you can do at home. In addition, the program includes a 30-minute intake interview and 10x 60-minute reiki treatments according to a schedule to promote your mental (and therefore physical) development and recovery.

For whom?

  • anyone who wants to make meditation a part of their lives;
  • anyone who is in a turbulent period and is looking for structure and focus;
  • anyone who is recovering (emotionally and mentally);
  • or if you just need a “stick behind the door” to build a habit.


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