door diana.toth | jan 21, 2022 | this is me
I see that the last blog I posted was already 8 months ago!!! How did that happen??? I’ve had it in my mind to write so many times but somehow life just kind of got away with me. And this is probably not a unique issue: it’s just as easy to stop exercising...
door diana.toth | apr 30, 2021 | this is me
Amikor elkezdtem blogolni, logikusnak, vagyis ésszerűnek tűnt, hogy angolul írjam a bejegyzéseimet, mert az ismerőseim jórésze (legalábbis Facebook-on) nem magyar nyelvű. Aztán láttam, hogy egy magyar nyelvű írásom mennyi embert volt képes elérni, megérinteni...
door diana.toth | mrt 1, 2021 | this is me
This wasn’t a day I’m proud of… Starting off the day with forgetting about a meeting at 9 o’clock and arranging other things. Then jumping into it halfway through. The rest of the day wasn’t very productive either until about 16...
door diana.toth | feb 28, 2021 | this is me
It’s Sunday which means pancakes for breakfast! I’m not sure why but once I woke up on a Sunday, I was feeling well-rested and lazy and I made pancakes for breakfast (actually, it’s rather brunch time by the time we eat). This has been years ago and...
door diana.toth | feb 26, 2021 | this is me
It’s 11.11 when I type in the title of this post. Okay. So write for 10 minutes. Something should come out of if, even if it’s just 10 lines. But everyday 10 lines, over a year 365 times 10 lines (I don’t have a calculator on hand XD). Assuming of...
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