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This wasn’t a day I’m proud of… Starting off the day with forgetting about a meeting at 9 o’clock and arranging other things. Then jumping into it halfway through. 

The rest of the day wasn’t very productive either until about 16 o’clock when I managed to check something off my to-do list. Something big even. For an hour I was totally ‘in the flow’. 

Even though this wasn’t the most efficient day at work, I did go for a walk in the sun to send a post and then brainstorm with my other half over a cup of coffee at our usual coffee time at 15 o’clock. 

So now, I’m going to celebrate the fact that eventually I did do some useful things. For work, for me. And now I’m shutting my laptop off to go and cook. Something tasty.

And enjoy the tree in front of our house.

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