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Dealing with emotions during the COVID-19 crisis – part II.

Dealing with emotions during the COVID-19 crisis – part II.

Proceeding with the previous topic,  this article elaborates some more on what we can do to protect our mental health during this challenging time. Q: How do you create experiences when you’re locked in? A: You can use this time to form new habits for yourself or...

The evolution of anxiety

The evolution of anxiety

In this blog I would actually like to go back to the story of why we get panic attacks. I hope this will help some of you to put your physical feelings into perspective but most importantly understand them, and so help to overcome your attacks. When someone is anxious...

The busy brain

The busy brain

I often have the feeling that people have the urge to be busy. If they’re not busy at work (but have a ‘normal’ day) then they may feel that they are not doing enough and even might feel guilty. Then they want more and more and MORE! And they do get more. Which means...

Give it space

Give it space

A lot of people have issues with putting their emotions in the right place. And I mean it quite literally. We live in a world where showing any kinds of emotions, in its purest, is not cool. (Of course, I don’t mean those raging emotions where you want to punch...

You’re not alone

You’re not alone is basically my own interpretation of the world and what I have learned. The treatments are one way from the many, to help people overcome their fears and negative emotions or actually strengthening the positive ones.  The reason why I started it is...